
I do not own a computer.

We want to remind you that the questionnaire assigned by the employer needs to be completed on a computer. No worries if you don't own one, as there are many ways to access a computer that can help you out! Here are some options you might find helpful: 1. Public Libraries: Most libraries offer free access to computers and the internet. They are wonderful resources for anyone without a personal device. 2. Community Centers: Many community centers have computers available for public use and som...

Why do you ask for my mobile number?

To ensure security we may need to send a verification code to your mobile device. We may also text you on the status of your support request if we do not receive a reply. Please be sure to enter you mobile number using the international format with country code (+1 555-555-5555)

How to use the knowledge base

Most questions that you have related to your use and access of the our systems is answered in this Knowledge Base. Please be sure to review the articles here and in the subcategories listed on the right.

How do I Complete the Questionnaire

You will complete the questionnaire from the unique registration page for the company that invited you. If you selected to return later, or you left the process for some reason such that you need to return, you must do so from the registration page you originally used to create your account. Before starting this activity, it is important to verify your browser supports cookies and JavaScript. ( to learn how to activate cookies and JavaScript f...

It says I am complete and is not letting me go to the questionnaire.

The BestWork DATA Experience is modern psychometric instrument that measures foundational traits that do not change after the age of 16 so you will not have to complete the questionnaire again.

Why can't I use a mobile device to complete the questionnaire?

The second part of the questionnaire is timed and the use of a smaller screen required you to shift from side to side yo completely view the answers. This additional time manipulating the questionnaire so you can read the answers can have the effect of lowering your scores. We, therefore, do not permit mobile devices.

How to access a company account

If you have been provided with a level of admin access to a company account you will access the company by first logging into your personal account. Once you have logged into your account at, you will see the company name in the left hand menu under Company associations. By selecting the company from the list, you will be taken to the Company Info page.